KnowMedical for Doctors

 We have a range of courses available for Doctors. 

  • Keen to Relocate for those Doctors exploring opportunities
  • Already in Australia or about to relocate
  • Migration which include visa preparation, lodgement and support

These courses are for Doctors only. 



Keen to Relocate courses

We focus on those Doctors who are exploring opportunities in Australia and keen to relocate. 

Courses comprise:


*Due Diligence course provides an immediate opinion of most likely outcome of medical licencing and migration process. [is included in Exploring Opportunities also]


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Already in Australia courses

The focus is on medical licencing tasks for Doctors who are Already in Australia OR have completed their medical licencing and arriving shortly. 

Courses comprise:

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This is the next level from Migration Options in the Keen to Relocate courses. 

Includes a Migration Lawyer to prepare, lodge and negotiate applications.

Lessons comprise:

  • Migration options for yours and extended family
  • Evaluation of your Migration Pathway
  • Support to prepare and lodge Visas 
  • Health Insurance compliance
  • Post-Visa options
  • Optional Support Packages
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Immediate Support 

For Doctors needing to resolve specific questions. 

You do NOT need to be enrolled in a course for immediate course. 

Unused hours can be used for future queries. Unused hours are NOT refundable.






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A list of courses and scheduled release dates are available here. 

Release Dates