Due Diligence Only
Who is this package for?
This package is for Doctors who want a fast review of their Resume, Skill Set and Family survey to generate an opinion* of the most likely outcome of their College assessment AND their migration pathway.
*our opinion is NOT A GUARANTEE of an outcome for medical licencing nor migration.
What will I learn from this package?
The Due Diligence Report provides four key outcomes:
1. The most likely outcome of your College assessment and ability to practice in Australia. And your path to Fellowship.
2. Your migration options ranked in order of relevance to your potential employment.
3. Advice regarding "shaping" your Resume.
4. Most likely employers.
What does the Package Cover?
This course captures your:
- Resume
- A College skill set survey (we email this to you)
- A Family Survey (you download from the course)*
- Complete all three and return to us.
We complete:
The Due Diligence Report;
Provide guidance regarding your Resume
Most likely Employers
What support is provided?
In addition to the time we take in reviewing your documents and preparing the Due Diligence Report, Resume guidance and Most likely Employers.
We include one(1) hour of support time.
This can be used for ANY QUESTIONS you may have.
Our preference is to receive QUESTIONS by email as this minimise time expended. Or we can ZOOM or TEAMS.
Unused time can be used for future questions.
Unused time is not refunded.

What does the Due Diligence Report show?
The image at left is the first page.
The sections of the DD Report comprise:
- Summary first page.
- Meeting specific College criterion with Explanation.
- Detailed review comprising Training, Post-Graduate practice, Additional Criterion.
- AHPRA pathway.
- Migration pathway.
- Resume.
- College compliant Skill set.
- Family Survey.
- Most likely Employers (separate page).
This report is useful for potential employers as it provides full disclosure (not just a Resume) and most likely outcomes of medical licencing and migration.
Enrol in the Due Diligence package
The Due Diligence package is available now.
Cost: $A560
Terms and Conditions apply.
Enrol NowOptional Support
This course includes one(1) hour of support time.
Additional support time is available from the Immediate Support option.
Immediate Support